Register for Adult Festival

Adult Harp Festival

Registration Deadlines

2024 Adult Festival Info coming soon!

Adult Solo Registration

Please make sure you have registered as a Member of the Utah Chapter of the American Harp Society BEFORE registering for Festival.  You will be asked for your pieces when you register.  Check the Required Repertoire list and make plans before registering.

Adult Registration Fees:

Student Special Categories Registration

Adult members may also register to perform in a Special Category for the AHS-Utah Harp Festival

Please Review the Special Categories General Rules and Policies before Registering.

Choose one person to complete the ensemble registration - each ensemble only needs to register once (this could be done by one of the ensemble members, or the ensemble director). You will need the following information to complete the registration:

Please note: Harps may not be available for every member of the ensemble on the day of festival. Please email if you would like to know how many harps may be available for your ensemble to use.

Ensemble Registration Fees: